Course curriculum

    1. Global LNG Market: Trends and Opportunities

    2. Introduction

    1. Exploration and Production of Natural Gas

    2. Liquefaction Process

    3. Storage and Transportation

    4. Regasification and Distribution

    1. Major LNG Producing and Exporting Countries

    2. Top LNG Producers

    3. Emerging Producers

    1. Key LNG Consuming Markets (1/2)

    2. Key LNG Consuming Markets (1/2)

    1. Decarbonization and the Energy Transition

    2. Shift in Energy Policy and Regulations

    3. Technological Advancements in LNG Production

    4. Growth of LNG in Transportation

    1. Global LNG Pricing Mechanisms

    2. Impact of Supply and Demand Fluctuations

    3. Role of Trading Hubs and Market Liquidity

About this course

  • $39.99
  • 26 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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